Saturday, December 31, 2011

Romeo and Juliet Question?

How do the bonds of family demand loyalty? How do such bonds sometimes cause pressure and sacrifice? When should family bonds outweigh true/romantic bonds?

My question is to ask where do you stand to-day:?

in honesty; if you lost you job if you work where do you turn, if you lose your car where do you turn, if you were to lose your home where do you turn, if you lose your health where do you turn. In which instance do you turn to God first and foremost, and him only.

Best way to transport wine when flying?

With the new TSA requirements relating to liquid, what is a good way to pack wine in my checked luggage?

What's so entertaining about watching grown men and pretending to hurt each other in their underwear?

Larry Larry Larry what have I told you. You are way to smart to be worried about things that are beneath you. Stop worrying about wrestling, you should spend your time on other endeavors. You should be President Obama's campaign manager or Rosie O'Donnell's cabana boy.

English help?

i was curious if someone could help me with the definition of the word tangible. i have vocabulary words every week and the words/senteces have to be in our own words. i just dont understand the definition written in the dictionary. could someone help an 8th grader understand the definition of tangible? please & thank you!

Let me tell you something I've never shared with anyone but my family.. What do you think of this?

You were really lucky. If that ghost had the chance to do anything to you, you can't cure that memory. Some scary stuff right there. I personally haven't seen any shadow men or any type of ghosts. I don't really believe in anything until i see it myself.

Please someone help with my situation, I can't live like this anymore?

Get an apartment or live on campus. I would hate living with my parents during college, it's your first chance to be free. Take it.

I've just had enough of this :-(?

well try meeting people in person not in person like a stranger but if you have any siblings or family around or you can contact ask them if they know anyone or if your at a store for example start a conversation with someone who seems...not crazy (to keep yourself out of danger) good luck :)

Is it worth putting a spoiler in my car?

i have a 96 jetta gl...its a nice car,stick shift and i was wondering if it was okay to put a spoiler in it since i understand its a 4 cylinder but im always on the freeway n stuff at high speeds.the car has like amazing gas mileage and i hear if i install a spoiler it will have the gas milage of a hummer...which is is it okayy?will the gas mileage become low?pros and cons please?

Can somebody proofread my introduction paragraph?

In an environment filled with many diverse forms of advertising, it is often difficult to not be influenced or manipulated into believing the ideas that advertisements convey. As individuals living in an environment filled with advertising, vulnerability is the primary factor that contributes to conformity. Rationality is required to make lucid decisions, but with advertising continually flourishing, these decisions are turned into unoriginal or persuaded ideas. It is undoubtedly possible that all forms of advertisement play a significant role in the way an individual views a certain issue, belief, or product, and it is imperative to inform those who are highly susceptible to various interpretations of what the media umes all individuals should believe.

Why is it that many rappers cannot duplicate the success of their debut albums?

I think its hard to duplicate a clic first effort...Most of the times it seems like when Hollywood level type success comes into play...the artist kinda lose the hunger or may try to go another route that my not appeal to the core that made that first album successful...For instance Redman's Whut the Album? was a clic...but the second album he seem to had gotten rapped up in the Meth/Red fiasco...He changed his style up...Ppl wasn't feeling that...Same as Snoop and Nas...Their successor albums didn't have the same feel as the first...It nothing wrong with change but there are consequences with can lose you core audience...Look at what happened to Common...He did Electric Circus and nobody was really feeling...I didn't at first it took awhile to grow on me...Same with Mos Def's last effort...It was different in some aspects but the style still would have to grow on ppl. I think Queen Latifah had to be one of the only rap artist to transition into another style successfully that I can think of...and do alright...I would say IceT also with Body Count but I'm not to sure. But this is a good question...because a lot of artist careers are almost ended or they are pushed into the underground from lack of being able to keep the success of their first efforts.

What's a duplex apt?


Immigrating to America?

Thousands of immigrants relocate to the US each year. I know several. While many of them miss their old countries, I have yet to hear a single person say that they wish they hadn't come here and want to go back. If she wants to come, I would encourage her. She can always go back and visit.

Help with coon tails?

Well. Most chicks just get extention coon tails. Also a lot at my school don't actually die them either. Most girls use mascara. I don't know why but they do. It's kinda weird. I love coon tails :]

Welcome, Monsieur, to ze Frrrench YAWal-Mart! May I recommend to you le Jean Petite L'Bordeaux de?

Rothschild from ze most famous Trrrruffle region of Frrrance, L'Porcine OuiOui Souweeee! I will Rrrroll back ze prrrice just for you, to a mere $9,444.87 per magnum! Is this not magnanimous of moi?

Movie title?

Its this movie with Kathy Bates (is that how you spell her name?) in it, and she tortures her husband or something. i was just wondering what the title of the movie was, if anyone knows it.

I know it says Dry Clean Only but can't I....?

Oh, leather cannot be washed, and especially with ammonia, which is what is in Windex. And if it really is a vinyl, that still would be a problem using Windex - that cleaner is just too abrasive. Get a good liquid leather cleaner and conditioner and use it over the spots doing it multiple times if you have to. You could also use Murphy's Oil Soap without adding water to the cleaner. Don't just clean the small spot, make sure you cover a larger irregular shaped area so you don't end up with a big polka dot. When you've got it cleaned, then clean and condition the whole jacket.

WWE vs. TNA? Who would win?

WWE dominates end of story ... did u forget Orton, Edge, Batista, Matt Hardy, Big Show, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Kane, and Rey Mysterio

Healthy plan for looking good in a bikini?

i am not at all fat. i wear a size 2 and am 5'4 116lbs. i am almost 15 years old. i am trying veganism after christmas. i have a whole cookbook full of vegan recipes. i am thin, but not in shape and somewhat flabby. i would appreciate it if you could give me tips on what to eat to build muscle, but it has to be vegan. i have an exercise ball, treadmill, and i do yoga. what exercises should help give me a firm body?

Is Iran a police state with the IRG making a pact with the supreme leader to share power?

There is very little difference between the current Iran and the Iran of the Shah in the 1970s. Both wrecked the economy, both spent wildly on the military, both had unrealistic grandiose schemes, both have their oppressor organization (SAVAK and the IRG), all major decisions are made by one person, and the domestic leader (MP with Shah, President with the current dictatorship) have little power. The only differences are that, under the Shah, Iran had good relations with all of its neighbors and that he was in a long respected hereditary position while the current dictatorship has to take into account the beliefs of the other feudal mullahs who, at least theoretically, have the power to change Supreme Leaders. (yes)

I need to buy a gift for my aunt and uncle?

words can't express how much they mean to me. i was thinkin about doin a powerpoint slide show and writing a poem or something. and then i thought about buying a digital picture frame. but i want something that will make them teary eyed since they have basically raised me. nothing to expensive now im just a open for suggestions.

Why are Indian private TV channels shouting too much against China & exhorting Indian public unnecessarily?

When has the media ever played by the rules, they lie cheat miss quote and badger information to suite, and if they cant get it they make it up,

I want to get a macintosh laptop but what are the advantages?

Okay so I am finally fed up with my OS and planning to get a MAC however I never really knew what made MAC so likeable other than it's image capabilities, what else is mac known for that PC tends to lack? Thanks!

Looking for some free advice on Internet security software?

Is there a site out there with advice in just plain english. I have not had very good luck with MS Essentails or the other freebies. My portable has been hard a few times with stuff sneaking in. Not just marketing or click through sites please!

Is the United States Compared to Babylon?

That verse in Rev. 22 is so sad to read, as this is not music that is honoring God. My thoughts on the United States and Babylon, is that for years our leaders have "fornicated" with other nations for the sake of oil. Not only that, but I pray everyday for Israel, as we don't really know with this present administration, whether or not we will remain their ally. I believe that He will judge the nations, the United States being one of them. From the earthquakes, to devastating hurricanes and tornados, to tsunamis, to fires raging out of control in California, I believe all point to the final judgment of God against wickedness, and for not accepting Christ's atonement. God bless you!!!

Its what he said that really gets to me!!!?

My female colleague and i were discussing weddings and I was saying how I personally prefer a small wedding, with just a few close family members and friends. Then my male colleague buts into the conversation asking what we were talking about, so we told him. I was explaining how its pointless to have a big wedding and then 4-5 years down the road you're arguing wiv ur partner constantly and all that wedding expense has been wasted on a crap marriage. Then what really surprised me was what he said afterwards. He says: "Well, just don't get married then." This really surprised me quite a bit because he has never spoken to me like this before. Why would he give a good friend advise like that? I really don't get him. He has never been negative about anything I say. He agrees with most of the things I mention, so I don't know why he's giving me such ill advise all of a sudden. He knows that I want to get married in the future and start a family as well. He also knows that I've been seeing a guy that I met online and we are really hitting it off. Why is he so unsupportive lately?

What baseball players sign autographs?

i have the whole braves team a million times the brianroberts melvin mora grady sizemore derrick lee chone figgins joe nathan willie harris jimmy rollins ryan howard pedro feliz josh hamilton bj upton david price

Isn't blaming Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer for Anders Breivik's act much like blaming the Beatles for...?

The slaughter was an act of a warped mind. Only a fool would blame anyone else. Innocent lives were lost. That is the only thing that matters.

What are some comparative essay topic ideas yzing the parallel between Marian and Peter with Clara and Joe?

Comparative essay topic ideas that yse the parallel between Marian and Peter's relationship with Joe and Clara's relationship in the story the EDIBLE WOMAN by Margret Atwood